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Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, January 14, 2025,
at 7 pm

Coming to SABBSA in January

"Computer Evidence Establishing the Original Text of Genesis Chapter 1"

Genesis Chapter 1 is often viewed in terms of faith, superstition, myth, human writing, or as a Divine artifact. Rather than carbon-14 dating as performed on the Shroud of Turin, Professor Gioacchino Cascione will present the results of computer analysis which verifies the authenticity of Genesis Chapter 1.

Identifying the original text through computer analysis does not prove the meaning of the text, but whether or not we have the original text.

The brilliance, significance, and success of the Creationist movement is that it exposes the failed science of Evolution as a hoax with verifiable facts, science, logic, and reason. Yet a limitation of the Creationist movement is that it cannot identify the anonymous Creator or explain the Creator's method of Creation. DNA, molecular structure, and astronomical observations do not explain themselves. Only words are capable of self-communication.

The strange and ironic tension between church bodies and Creationists is that Creationists keep finding evidence for a young, spontaneous Creation, while church bodies currently deny that Genesis Chapter 1 is the original text.

In a first-of-its-kind presentation to a Creationist organization, Cascione will display the results of computer analysis which establishes the original text of Genesis Chapter 1. His results are based on the literary structure of the Masoretic Text, Codex Leningradensis, located in the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Please join us in January for creation science and biblical apologetics teaching you will find nowhere else in Bexar County. You will also have an opportunity to join SABBSA as a sponsor that evening, as well as a very brief yearly election of board and officers meeting after the presentation.


Please join the San Antonio Bible Based Science Association "on the air" each Saturday afternoon with "Believing the Bible!" Join us Saturday afternoons at 1:45 pm on radio station KSLR 630 AM - The Word in South Texas.

Here is our schedule of "hot" upcoming program topics:

12/7 Am I made Out of Stardust?
12/14 Biblical Prophecies of Christ
12/21 Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?
12/28 Angels in Scripture
1/4/25 Dr. Jan Lohmeyer - Teaching Apologetics
1/11/25 Dr. Jan Lohmeyer- Unaware Church
1/18/25 Background of AOI
1/25/25 Ministries at AOI
2/1 Early Earth Educators (Ministry)
2/8 Early Earth educators (Evidences)
2/15 Feeding 5000 - Miracle or Not?
2/22 UFO's - Are we Alone?
3/1 Vestigial Organs / Recapitulation
3/8 Bias
3/15 Chicken or the Egg?
3/22 Embryos from Stem Cells
3/29 YES, Young Earth Science

There are several ways you can help with this ministry. First is pray for this program, for its content and impact. Second, become a sponsor as many of our board members have done and help us defray the $300 per week costs of putting this program on the air and allow us to expand it into even more markets. Third listen to this show on the air and tell your friends and family members so this can reach as wide an audience as possible.

Thanks to our board members who are now sponsoring the $1200 cost per month to transmit our radio show in 14 U.S. markets. Contact us at 210-861-0454 if you would like to help and expand our ministry.

This program is available on podcast. Go to the KSLR website at and click on "KSLR Podcast" and scroll down until you find us. This will give you the opportunity to share on Facebook or Tweet. In San Antonio, TX, please join us Saturdays at 1:45 pm CST on radio KSLR 630 AM for "Believing the Bible."

Coming to SABBSA in 2024

January, 2025 - Gioacchino "Jack" Cascione - Computer Evidence Establishing the Original Text of Genesis Chapter 1
February, 2025 - The Rocks Cry Out - Ancient cultures reveal the brilliance of mankind from the moment of creation.

SABBSA at Calvary Chapel Jesus is the Way

This year at Calvary Chapel on the fourth Tuesdays we are featuring our "Answers for Life" series.

Below is the schedule of live multimedia programs for 2024-2025

September 24, 2024 - "Is there a God and Do I have a purpose?"
October 29, 2024 - "Why is there Pain and Suffering and Why Do bad Things happen to Good People?"
January 2025 - "Where did Cain get his wife? + Races, Racism, & Babel"
February 2025 - "Did we Evolve from Apes?"
March 2025 - "Doesn't Distant Starlight prove the Bible Wrong?"
April 2025 - "What about Contradictions in the Bible?"

Calvary Chapel Jesus is the Way is located at 6615 S. Flores St. SA TX 78214

Wednesdays at 6 pm, January 22 - February 26th at Cibolo Valley Baptist

Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis

Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis is a 6-week exploration of Genesis taking viewers of all ages on a memorable journey through some of the most fascinating topics in creation science.

Each evening, we will watch two 22-minute episodes from this series and discuss what we see with creation speaker Scott Lane giving an informed discussion about creation science and equip viewers with defensible answers to some of the most provocative and controversial questions of faith and science.

We have a meal at 5 pm before each session for those who wish to take part.

Cibolo Valley Baptist is at 5500 FM 1103, Schertz, TX 78108

December 10, 2024

"Creation in the Heavens - Perceiving God's Glory through Astronomy"

Spike Psarris is a former member of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and worked on the Cassini Probe. He has series of videos on "What you aren't being told about Astronomy" covering Our Created Solar System, Stars and Galaxies and the Universe.

His work shows that the universe truly does speak of a recent Creator! At Christmas time, we presented his latest webinar which answers a lot of questions people have about astronomy and biblical creation. As the Bible tells us in Psalm 19, "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God!" Our audience and our resident astronomer both gave this presentation high praise!

November 12, 2024

"Amazing Design Features of Costa Rica" - Dave and Mary Jo Nutting, AOI

Dave and Mary Jo Nutting are the founders of the Alpha Omega Institute in Grand Junction, Colorado. They have spoken internationally on God's creation for more than 40 years.

Costa Rica, with its huge biodiversity, is on the international "travel bucket list." God has placed an amazing, intensely-colored assemblage of plants, insects, and creature features into this small country. They shout out DESIGNED and give us reasons to praise our Creator God! This beautifully-illustrated PowerPoint presentation gives a number of those designed features and explains how the country's unique location, its volcanic activity, and active plate tectonics contribute to the amazing diversity.

We thank Dave and Mary Jo for sharing this beautiful evidence for God's creation in Costa Rica at our November meeting!

October 8, 2024

"The Rocks Cry Out" Series - "Lesson 16: The Miracle of Life"

The simplest cell is far too complex to have made itself. In October we saw the amazing intricacies of God's creation in every cell. This is part of "Search for the Truth's "The Rocks Cry Out " Series and is available on YouTube and linked on our home page.

September 10, 2024

"The Rocks Cry Out" Series - "Lesson 15: The Missoula Flood"

In September we saw how this enormous flood restructured Eastern Washington and rapidly carved the Columbia River valley. This remnant flood was a result of the worldwide deluge. It gave us a glimpse of the awesome magnitude and power of that world changing event.

August 13, 2024

"The Rocks Cry Out" #14 - "God's Designs in Nature"

We explored multiple designs from nature that have led to discoveries which have changed human history.

An exploding field of research and development today is the field of biomimicry, also called biomimetics. In this field, man is carefully studying designs in nature and copying them to produce new products, new medications and solve engineering problems we had no idea how to solve. This video gave us an intriguing look into this exploding field study.

Special Book Study in July, 2024

Each Wednesday evening in July we did a multimedia book study of Scott Lane's book "What if God Wrote the Bible?"

July 3 - Introduction + Is Genesis the First and only True Creation Account?
July 10 - Do History, Archaeology and Geology support the Bible?
July 17 - Is Biblical Prophecy 100% accurate?
July 24 - Philosophical and Logical Coherence + God Protecting His Word
July 31 - Prescience + Conclusions

This study can be brought to your church or organization for little or no cost. Call us today at 210-861-0454 to book a seminar.

July 9, 2024

"The Rocks Cry Out" #13 - "Missing Time"

This video starts the 3rd volume of Search for the Truth Ministries'
"The Rocks Cry Out" series. It gave evidence for the rapid depositing of the Earth's rock layers during the Noahic flood.

If the layers in the Earth were laid down over millions of years, they should not be so perfectly uniform and parallel in the strata. There should be worm trails, ruts from erosion and many other surface details which by their absence shows these layers of rock were not laid down gradually, but quickly and catastrophically.

June 11, 2024

"The Rocks Cry Out" #12 - "A Matter of Time"

The vast majority of dating methods reveal a recent creation. Did you know that there are only about two dozen dating methods, based on questionable assumptions, which indicate an extremely old Earth. Did you also know that there are more than 70 scientific dating methods which show the Earth, and our solar system are something less than 15,000 years old, as the Bible would suggest. Bruce Malone and Scott Lane explored some of these methods with us in June.

May 14, 2024

"The Rocks Cry Out" #11 - "Brilliant: Made in the Image of God"

Brilliant: Made in the Image of God from Search for the Truth Ministries'
"The Rocks Cry Out" series shows that ancient cultures reveal rapid development of intelligence by God, not slow evolution of mankind. Man was formed "brilliant" and immortal as the Bible tells us and has only degenerated since then. Join us as we see the archaeological evidence which supports the biblical narrative that were created "brilliant"!

April 9, 2024

"Science Starts with Creation"

Science Starts with Creation from Search for the Truth Ministries'
"The Rocks Cry Out" series showed us that consensus does not determine truth, and not all scientists believe in evolution. Truth is often independent of what the crowd believes. we saw examples of God's creative works around the world which reveal God as the Creator!

March 12, 2024

"Explosive Evidence for Creation"

Explosive Evidence for Creation from Search for the Truth Ministries'
"The Rocks Cry Out" series featured Mt. St. Helens which provides a model to understand the rapid geological change happening during the flood of Noah. This film gave us a glimpse of how the world was massively restructured at the time of the worldwide flood.

February 8-9, 2024 in Round Rock, Texas

Creation Seminar at the THSSBC

Scott Lane presented "What if God Wrote the Bible" to two different groups on February 8th and talked on "Dinosaurs and the Bible" on February 9th to another group in Round Rock at the State Home School Basketball Championships (THSSBC). In all we had over 50 people who attended these sessions, and were wowed by the content!

Special 1st Tuesday SABBSA meeting February 6th, 2024

"Has Science Killed God?"

We had a special first Tuesday meeting in February so we could host a very special guest speaker. Dr. Andy McIntosh who is Professor Emeritus at Leeds University and Adjunct Professor of Thermodynamics at Liberty University talked on
"Has Science Killed God?"

Atheism has no answer for the strong evidence for design in nature, cannot give a coherent basis for the mind and logic, fails to give a platform for ethics and undermines any understanding for meaning and truth. The Christian position is robust in all four areas as Dr. McIntosh pointed out.

February 4-6, 2024

Schedule for Dr. Andy McIntosh, Liberty University, sponsored by SABBSA

Sun 4th Feb Cibolo Valley Baptist- 9 am "Noah's Ark and the Flood"
CVBC 10:15 am young children - Fossils
CVBC 11:30 am "Why is Creation Theologically Important"

Mon 5th Feb Christian School at Castle Hills - 8:30 am "Fossils" for K-4
1:20 pm at Castle Hills "The Wonder of Feathers" for Junior High and HS

Tues. 6th Feb San Antonio Christian School (SACS)
12:10 at SACS - "Insect Inspiration - the Bombardier beetle"
1:15 pm at SACS - "Noah's Ark and the Flood"
7 pm at SABBSA - "Has Science Killed God?"

January 9, 2024

"Is Genesis History? Mountains after the Flood"

In January we showed the "Mountains after the Flood" and explored the question, "What was the world like when Noah stepped off the Ark?" Your host on this journey was Dr. Del Tackett, author of the "Truth Project."

In this fascinating sequel to "Is Genesis History", we saw a team of creation scientists discover amazing new evidence for a recent global Flood. We looked at folded rock layers, peered into microscopes, climbed high mountains, and flew over the Grand Canyon. By the time the journey was over, we had a completely new understanding of what the Flood did to create the world we live in today.

At the conclusion of the evening, we re-elected our previous slate of board members and officers.

December 12, 2023

"The Rocks Cry Out" #8 - The Grand Canyon + Dr. Daniel Harris

In December we showed the "Rocks Cry Out" video #8 - "Grand Canyon." This series from "Search for the Truth Ministries" makes it crystal clear God is the creator of all we see, and the Bible teaches real history! The Grand Canyon is a perfect example of the evidence supporting a worldwide flood.

At the end of this evening, we had a 10-minute presentation by
Dr. Daniel Harris revealing that the "Star of Bethlehem" could not have been an astronomical object, but truly a miracle from God!

SABBSA Missouri Creation tour November 2023

What if God Wrote the Bible?

Scott Lane presented "What if God Wrote the Bible?" to members of the
South East Missouri Bible Science Fellowship (SEMO) on Thursday, November 16. This talk was warmly received.

In addition to presenting at SEMO, Scott Lane spoke to about 100 middle school and elementary age children at Lynnwood Christian Academy on November 17th and distributed more than 110 creation materials to students and staff.

November 14, 2023

"Discovering Dinosaurs" with Dr. Brian Thomas

In November SABBSA welcomed Dr. Brian Thomas with the Institute for Creation Research (ICR). ICR is and has been at the forefront of Creation Science Research for more than five decades. Dr. Thomas is a research scientist at ICR and holds a Ph.D. in paleobiochemistry from the University of Liverpool. He is an expert in the field of soft parts tissue in fossil remains and the rates of breakdown of living tissues.

Dr. Thomas gave us a multimedia presentation titled "Discovering Dinosaurs" giving us insights into the latest discoveries about dinosaurs and how they fit into the biblical worldview. He is the author of Dinosaurs and the Bible; co-author of Parks Across America: Viewing God's Wonders Through a Creationist Lens, Fascinating Creatures: Evidence of Christ's Handiwork, and Human Origins; and a contributor to Creation Basics & Beyond, Guide to Dinosaurs, and Dinosaurs: God's Mysterious Creatures.

Fall 2023 at Cibolo Valley Baptist

Creation Seminar

Scott Lane presented his "Creation Series" at Cibolo Valley Baptist Church.

September 10 - Introduction to Creation Theories
September 17 - What if God Wrote the Bible?
September 24 - Darwin and Radiometric Dating
October 1 - Underpinnings: Fossils, Physics, Genetics and Babel
October 8 - Young Earth Evidences
October 15 - Biology and Missing Links
October 22 - Dinosaurs and the Bible

October 10, 2023

"The Rocks Cry Out" #7 - "Science is a Tool"

The "Rocks Cry Out" creation curriculum is a fascinating video series from
Search for the Truth Ministries and our friend Bruce Malone. It connects science & history to the Bible.

Lesson 7 - Science is a Tool shows how the very laws of science support the fact that we have a Creator!

This video was well received by our largest crowd of the year so far, including visitors from the Netherlands!

September 12, 2023

Supposed Contradictions in the Bible?

Where did Cain's wife come from? Jacob and the Speckled Sheep? Did God make mathematical mistakes? Is biblical history in error? Are there sections of the Bible which contradict one another?

Skeptics have been making claims that the Bible is full of errors for hundreds of years. We examined these claims and showed that the Bible's original manuscripts were error free, and that the Bible means what it says and can be counted on 100% of the time as God's Word and divine guidance for us.

Summer of 2023 at Crestview Baptist Church

Summer long Creation Seminar

In the summer of 2022 Crestview Baptist did a 6-week study of Scott Lane's book "What if God Wrote the Bible?" Mr. Lane returned to Crestview Baptist summer 2023 on Wednesdays evenings to present a full creation science seminar.

This summer we covered-

6/21 Introduction to Creation Theories
6/28 Darwin and Radiometric Dating
7/5 Underpinnings: Fossils, Physics, Genetics and Babel
7/12 Young Earth Evidence
7/19 Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution - Intelligent Design
7/26 Dinosaurs and the Bible
8/9 Biology and Symbiotic Relationships
8/16 Lucy Unveiled and Bad Examples of Evolution

August 8, 2023

The Discovery of Genesis in Chinese

Based on the book "The Discovery of Genesis" by Reverend C. H. Kang and
Dr. Ethel Nelson. We showed 118 examples of Chinese pictographs which give unmistakable evidence the ancient Chinese' had extensive knowledge of Genesis some 4500 years ago when the Chinese written language was invented. This is 1100 years before Moses penned Genesis!

It showed how the development of this language fits well within the biblical history of the dispersion after Babel. We also showed the Chinese were once a monotheistic people who knew of the God of the Bible, and had intimate and detailed knowledge of His Word.

July 11, 2023

Dinosaurs and the Bible

Most people are taken aback by this title. Don't be, we are talking about real history.

We saw accounts from the Bible of encounters of man with dinosaurs like the Brachiosaurus and the Plesiosaur. We showed evidence for both the lack of "missing links" between dinosaur kinds and the incredibly weak evidence for the supposed evolution of dinosaurs into birds. We saw how Noah could have taken dinosaurs onto the Ark.

The vast dinosaur graveyards found round the world give great evidence for this deluge and how the bulk of all life on Earth died in it. We saw evidence from South America and around the world showing man lived with dinosaurs very recently. All of this evidence is shown to fit within the creation account from the Bible. This is our most popular program with kids and for schools.

June 13, 2023

Genetics and the Bible

We started with a "DNA 101 Course" for the uninitiated. We covered most of the information with creationist implications in the field of genetics. We saw data from: the Human Genome Project; ENCODE Project; ICR's "Species Project"; and the work of former Cornell University genetics professor, Dr. John Sanford.

This presentation revealed the complexity of how information is coded in the genome, and how this shows it could not have occurred by chance. Dr. Sanford's work reveals how his study of genetics has led him to the conclusion that evolution is impossible at the genetic level and how natural selection is a woefully inadequate process for allowing evolution to occur. This presentation included the latest research dispelling myths about Human and Chimp DNA from Dr. Jeffrey Tompkins with ICR.

FEAST Science Workshops Spring 2023

"The Rocks Cry Out" series, Volume II

We at SABBSA were excited to provide the FEAST Science Workshops for a 19th consecutive year. We shared Episodes 9-12 of the "Rocks Cry Out" creation curriculum from Search for the Truth Ministries.

May 9, 2023

Lucy Unveiled - Biology and Missing Links

On May 9 Lucy was unmasked as just being an ape and not a missing link! This presentation showed how all of the supposed missing links between man and apes have been exposed as not being transitional forms through years of analysis. We also saw how the horse series, whale evolution and peppered moths have been disproved as evidence for evolution.

April 11, 2023

SABBSA and Bruce Malone at The Christian School at Castle Hills

We were excited and blessed to be a part of a collaboration between SABBSA and Search for the Truth Ministries on April 11 as both Bruce Malone and Scott Lane spoke to over 310 elementary students at The Christian School at Castle Hills.

Mr. Malone presented "The AWE of God" to 140 4th - 6th graders that morning wowing them with the wonders of God's creations. His ministry also provided an Inspired Evidence devotional to every student and teacher at his presentation.

At the same time, Mr. Lane presented "Animals that defy Evolution" to some 170 K-3 students. We also provided every classroom with a copy of the book "Answers to the Top 50 Questions about the Creation and Noah's Flood" as well as gave each teacher a copy of Mr. Lane's book, "What if God Wrote the Bible?"

The students could not have been better behaved nor more receptive than they were. Mr. Malone commented that they were the "best student audience he had spoken to across the country this year!" We thank Castle Hills for having us and for their warm hospitality that day!

April 11, 2023

Discovery and Design

We had a special guest in April with Bruce Malone head of "Search for the Truth Ministries" joining us to give a talk on "Discovery and Design."

Bruce is an ambassador for the prestigious Logos Research Associates and the author of a wealth of fine creation science publications, as well as editor for the series of Creation Devotionals we have come to love. His ministry has been reaching thousands of youth in Fiji, Vanuatu, the Philippines, Peru and Jamaica giving their ministry a truly international impact.

Bruce's "Discovery and Design" presentation looked at specific inventions which have changed human history as a direct result of observing creation. God is both the greatest artist and the ultimate engineer!

February 19-March 26, 2023

"Answers for Life" Creation Series Seminar

This 6-week seminar is targeted especially for youth and young adults who ask the "Big Questions" in life, like "Is there a God?", "Why am I here?" or "Why do bad things happen to good people?" These programs can of course be of interest to anyone of any age.

This seminar met every Sunday from February 19 and through the month of March at Cibolo Valley Baptist Church. We will bring this exciting teaching set to your organization at your request!

The schedule for the seminar was-:
February 19 - Is there a God?; Why am I here?; and What is my Purpose?
February 26 - Why is there pain and suffering?; Why do bad things happen to good people? & Where did Cain's wife come from?
March 5 - Races and Racism; Babel; and Did Humans Evolve from Apes?
March 12 - Doesn't distant starlight prove the Universe is older than the Bible would suggest?
March 19 - The De-Faithing of America: Creation, the Courts & our Culture
March 26 - Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution

March 14, 2023

Biology and Animals that Defy Evolution

This program shows how the field of biology tears down evolutionary theory. It first presents what has been done in the field including synthesizing DNA and cloning and shows how creation has no problem with these accomplishments.

We then present examples of God's designs in nature ranging from the intricacies of the human eye, to the sea slug, the bombardier beetle, and symbiotic relationships between organisms. We also explore how evolution's recapitulation theory has been disproved by evolutionists, but it is still being used in some places to substantiate abortion. Where there's a design, there is a designer, and we see Him in all of creation!

February 14, 2023

"Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution" Volume 3

Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution 3 presents powerful evidence that proves that animal designs can only be attributed to a Creator.

Incredible Creatures 3 continues our look into the fascinating world of animals to reveal sophisticated and complex designs that shake the traditional foundations of evolutionary theory.

Have you ever wondered...
"What kind of bird can kill a lion with a single kick?"
How some dogs can know a storm is brewing before it appears, or can sense when their masters are about to experience a seizure?
Which creature perplexes scientists because of its amazing ability to heal itself even when it sustains horrendous injuries? or
How Emperor Penguins can go two and a half months without eating or drinking?

Our membership greatly enjoyed and were amazed by this fine video series revealing God's master craftsmanship!

Creation Conference at THSSBC in Round Rock Feb. 9-11

Scott Lane presented a 3-day creation seminar during this year's Texas Home School State Basketball Tournament. In addition to the seminar, a wealth of creation materials were distributed during this conference.

The schedule for this seminar is shown below:
Thursday 2/9, 2 pm "What if God Wrote the Bible?"
7 pm "Introduction to Creation Theories"
Friday 2/10, 10 am "Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution"
2 pm "Dinosaurs and the Bible"
7 pm "Doesn't distant Starlight prove the Universe is older than the Bible would suggest?"
Saturday 2/11, 10 am "The De-Faithing of America: Creation in the Courts, our Schools and our Culture"

January 10, 2023

"Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution" Volume 2

Have you ever wondered...

* Are there really creatures that produce fire to defend themselves
* How certain birds can navigate over thousands of miles of ocean and never get lost?
* How fireflies and glowworms can create pure light that generates no heat?
* How great whales can dive to the bottom of the ocean without the pressure causing them to implode?
* How some creatures can be cut in half and still regenerate themselves? Even grow a new head?
* What incredible flying insect became the inspiration for the design of the helicopter?

The Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution Series enters the fascinating world of animals to reveal sophisticated and complex designs that shake the traditional foundations of evolutionary theory.

This series features Dr. Jobe Martin, who for the past 30 years has been exploring evolution vs. creation. His findings have been fascinating students around the world as he lectures on these remarkable animal designs that cannot be explained by traditional evolution. Our audiences are enjoying this series immensely!

December 13, 2022

"Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution" Volume 1


Are there really creatures that produce fire to defend themselves?
How does a giraffe get a drink without causing lethal blood pressure to his brain?
How can geckos walk upside down, even on glass, and not fall?

Creatures and biological systems examined in this program: - Bombardier Beetle - Giraffe - Woodpecker - Australian Incubator Bird - The Chicken Egg - Platypus - Black & Yellow Garden Spider - Gecko & Chuckwalla Lizards - Human Eye & Ear Drum

This creation film classic was a great testament to God's infinite wisdom and power and fit well into the Christmas season.

November 4 and 11, 2022

Chapel Presentations at Pipe Creek Christian School

SABBSA president Scott Lane did separate creation presentations for the K-3 and 4th through high school students at Pipe Creek Christian School during their chapel periods on Friday's November 4 and 11. we thank the students who were great, the school staff who were greatly supportive and the principal who invited us to be a part of these kids education.

Presentation Schedule

Friday November 4 - Dinosaurs in the Bible (Upper school students were with free copies of books from Genesis Apologetics)

Friday November 11 - Animals that defy Evolution (Upper school students got their pick of pamphlets answering perplexing creation questions.)

Tuesday November 1, 2022

Young Earth Evidence

This striking presentation shows that there is far more scientific evidence for a relatively young Earth than for an exceedingly old one. These sets of evidence fit well into the creation theory and coincide with a biblical timescale, but they are devastating to evolution which requires massive amounts of time.

We also show a wealth of evidence that this world was completely transformed about 5000 years ago by a worldwide flood. It is amazing not only how much evidence there is to verify the biblical timeline, but how all of this is being kept from the public.

To avoid conflicts on election night, we moved our November meeting up a week.

October 11, 2022

Fossils, Physics, Genetics and Babel

This program showed the fallacy of the geologic column. It explored how fossils are made and how both of these sets of evidence support creationism. It is shown that creationism conforms to the first two laws of thermodynamics, while evolution violates them!

We saw a wealth of evidence for this planet Earth being a very specially designed place made just for us. It included evidence in genetics for the fixity of the kinds as described in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. Finally, we explored evidence for the reality of Babel from historical records and linguistics.

September 13, 2022

Darwin and Radiometric Dating

"Darwin and Radiometric Dating" presented background on Darwin's life and insights into the development of his theory. It then explained the several dating methods used by scientists to date rocks and fossils. Two products of this presentation are to understand where evolution theory came from, and how radiometric dating has easy to see weaknesses which call all dates derived from them into question.

What we discovered along the way is how Carbon-14 dating can be the biblical creationist's best friend and supports the biblical narrative.

September 4 and 11 at Una New Day Church in Pipe Creek, TX

Scott Lane spoke at Una New Day Church in Pipe Creek, TX on Sundays September 4 and 11 during their Sunday services.

Schedule of Topics
Sunday 9/4 at 11 am - "Dinosaurs and the Bible"
(free book on the subject to every family who attends)
Sunday 9/11 at 11 am - "Genesis 1"

Una New Day Church is located at 9729 TX-16, Pipe Creek, TX 78063

Wednesday evenings from July 6 to August 10, 2022 at 6:30 pm

Six presentations at Crestview Baptist Church,
8101 Eagle Crest Blvd., Windcrest, TX 78239

Scott Lane presented the six-part series of "What if God wrote the Bible?" in multimedia formats during Crestview's Evening Bible study hour each Wednesday from July 6 to August 10, 2022.

For the believer these presentations show that ours is not a blind faith, but one supported by evidence and sound reason. For the unbeliever, these presentations and the companion book show that the Bible is not passe', disproved and irrelevant to modern society as they have been told. This allows them to evaluate the gospel message of Christ from a new perspective. This event will give the audience a look at six sets of evidence showing that the Bible is the Word of God, and is presented by the author of the new book "What if God Wrote the Bible?

The schedule of presentations for this series is shown below -

July 6 - If the Bible is the original creation account, we would expect most origin stories of other cultures to reflect and borrow elements from the original;
July 13 - Historical - We would expect geology, archaeology, and history to support the Bible;
July 20 - See GOD writing history in advance;
July 27 - See GOD protecting His words;
August 3 - Philosophical and logical coherence-The Bible should hang together as if written by one author with central themes running throughout; and
August 10 - We should find Prescience in the Bible. Evidence of scientific knowledge in the Bible thousands of years ahead of man's discoveries.

These presentations and the companion book take you along the journey to discover these pieces of evidence for the Bible being God's Word exist. This whole series is now on YouTube and linked at the bottom of our home page.

August 9, 2022

Introduction to Creation Theories

This presentation covered the full continuum of major western creation theories between evolution and creation. It included capsules on the compromise theories of scientific creationism, gap theory, day/age theory, intelligent design, progressive creationism, and theistic evolution as well as assorted framework hypothesis. It sets the stage for all further presentations in our Creation Series.

July 12, 2022

The UFO Conspiracy: Space Travelers or Demonic Deceivers?

Unidentified Flying Objects have been recorded in various forms since the creation of man: Crudely drawn on Stone Age murals...chiseled in Egyptian stones...noted in the journals of ancients like Alexander the Great...even described in the ship's log of Christopher Columbus.

This DVD gave us more than a stunning catalog of UFO photography, video, and eyewitness recordings. we heard startling and controversial scriptural evidence from noted scholars like Dave Hunt (The Archon Conspiracy) and I.D.E. Thomas (The Omega Conspiracy) which suggests it is not "little green men" visiting us, but rather visitors from another dimension in a spiritual realm such as demons. There was a noted mismatch between the time spent on showing UFO evidence, and the time spent on delving into what they really are.

Thursday, July 7 at 7 pm

"The Discovery of Genesis in Chinese"

At the July meeting of the Greater Houston Creation Association (GHCA) at Houston's First Baptist Church Reception Room 7:00 P.M.

Scott Lane presented "The Discovery of Genesis in Chinese", based on the book written by Reverend C. H. Kang and Dr. Ethel Nelson. We showed 118 examples of Chinese pictographs and "radicals" which give unmistakable evidence of the full knowledge of Genesis chapters 1 - 11 some 4500 years ago when the Chinese written language was invented.

This evidence shows how the development of this language fits well within the biblical history of the dispersion after Babel, and how the Chinese were once a monotheistic people who knew of the God of the Bible and had intimate and detailed knowledge of His word.

June 14, 2022

Our Nation's Biblical Foundation

Was our nation founded as a secular nation?

Or, was the U.S. founded on biblical principles?

Our June program, presented by SABBSA board member Terry Read, follows up well with last month's program on "How our Nation is losing it faith." The program this month shows how our nation started with a deep faith in the Bible and biblical principles. We saw seldom viewed founding documents and writings of our founding fathers which reflects the strong faith we started with in this country.

May 10, 2022

The De-Faithing of America: How did we get Here?

Do you recognize the society we live in today? Does it reflect the culture you were brought up in? Does it seem like everything changed overnight?

The De-Faithing of America traces two parallel themes in our history of how we came from being a country which in 1776 was based on faith in God, to one today where faith in God is being sterilized from our society. It details the court cases which led us from a nation where in 1925 public schools could only teach creation, to today where public schools can now only teach evolution. Along the way, we highlight the big events and subtle changes which slowly changed our society's course. It includes updates on current events issues. In this session, we examine the implications of continued indoctrination in evolutionary thought on our society and our youth.

FEAST Science Workshops 2021-2022

"The Rocks Cry Out" series

Our thanks to FEAST for sponsoring us for the 18th consecutive year in our providing their FEAST Science Workshops. Listed below are the programs we shared with the home school community of San Antonio in 2021-2022.

September 2021 - Science Testifies to Creation (All major scientific disciplines are filled with evidence that confirms we have a Creator)

October 2021 - The Red Record (Even ancient cultures confirm the historical accuracy of God's Word)

January 26, 2022 - Design Testifies to Creation (The mechanisms of evolution cannot explain the design of life)

February 23, 2022 - Noah's Flood and Geology (Overwhelming evidence that our globe has been deluged by a world-covering flood)

March 23, 2022 - Dragons and Dinosaurs (Dinosaurs provide some of the strongest evidence for a Biblical worldview)

April 27, 2022 - The Age of Creation (Why belief in long ages distorts God's character and why dating methods can be unreliable)

April 12, 2022 at 7 pm

Answers to Life's Most asked Questions

The "Beemer Report" reveals that we are losing our youth to a lost and dying world at a startling rate. It also says that we begin losing them in middle school, not college. In response to this data, we are offering a program for churches entitled "Answers for Life."

This program attempts to answer the "Big Questions in Life" such as: Is there a God? Why is there pain and suffering? Why am I here? Why do bad things happen to good people? Is there any proof for the Noahic flood and Babel or are they both mythical stories? What happened to the dinosaurs in a Biblical view of history? How do we know that the Bible is God's word? Where did Cain's wife come from?; and Doesn't distant starlight prove the Universe is older than the Bible would suggest? These are just a few adult stumpers which our kids in middle school can start asking as their public school science curricula presents data to them. They are also questions which keep youth and adult lost people from coming to Christ!

April 8, 2022

"What if God Wrote the Bible?" at Harlandale United Methodist Church,

This multimedia presentation showed believers evidence that theirs is not a "blind faith", but one grounded in evidence and sound reason.

For the unbeliever, this presentation and its companion book show that the Bible is not passe', disproved and irrelevant to modern society as they have been told. This allows them to evaluate the gospel message of Christ from a new perspective. This event will give the audience a look at six sets of evidence showing that the Bible is the Word of God, and is presented by the author of the new book "What if God Wrote the Bible?, Scott Lane. We had a great evening with a very receptive audience at Harlandale Methodist and we thank them for their hospitality!

March 8, 2022

If God wrote the Bible, what kind of evidence would He leave?

1.If the Bible is the original creation account, we would expect most origin stories of other cultures to reflect and borrow elements from the original;
2. Historical - We would expect geology, archaeology, and history to support the Bible;
3. See GOD writing history in advance;
4. See GOD protecting His words;
5. Philosophical and logical coherence-The Bible should hang together as if written by one author with central themes running throughout; and
6. We should find prescience in the Bible. Evidence of scientific knowledge in the Bible thousands of years ahead of man's discoveries.

This presentation and the companion book took us along the journey to discover these pieces of evidence of the Bible being God's Word exist. It thus demonstrated that ours is not a blind faith, but a faith based upon evidence and sound reason.

February 8, 2022

Materialism 101

No, this is not a course on how to become more materialistic. Our culture will teach you that without trying. Nor is it a course on how materialistic our culture is since that is self-evident.

Engineer Terry Read is a sponsor and originator of our radio program "Believing the Bible." He talked about how the thesis that "all there is, is what we see" has affected the scientific and spiritual communities in our society. He showed how this "materialism is all there is" idea has penetrated our schools, our labs and our psyches to make us believe there is no God and nothing spiritual beyond what we can touch, see and hear.

January 11, 2022

SABBSA Authors Night

You may not know it, but SABBSA has two board members who have published books. We took the first meeting of the year to review these books produced by our own.

Engineer Terry Read is a sponsor and originator of our radio program "Believing the Bible." He will talk about his book "Why Should I Believe? Why Should You Believe?" This book explains Terry's mental trek going from his church's teaching that the Bible and science were separate belief systems which could not intersect. To a knowledge that the Bible's original texts were inerrant and that the Bible and science are perfectly compatible. This book is available on his website "Why Should You Believe?" and the Walmart website in hardcover, softcover and e-book.

Dr. Carl Williams has been somewhat prolific in his writing, authoring six books to date including "The Rock and the Sword" a Christian fiction novella. He also has authored a series of Christian fiction books called the "Adventures of John Moses Doe" available on Amazon in softcover and e-book. This Christian sci-fi series launches the career of a down and out orphan who is mysteriously transformed into a superhuman. Follow along while he begins to uncover who he really is and how being stronger and faster than everyone else on the planet isn't necessarily a gift.

Both authors shared a synopsis of their books that night.

We also had SABBSA membership renewals and board elections that night as we do each January. Our board was held intact along with our slate of officers.