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SABBSA Communique

Current Issues
January 2024 Issue - Neanderthals + Ark, CO2 is Good, NO Climate Emergency
February 2024 Issue - Human Tails?, Whales Valley, Musical Minds, Bird Flight
March 2024 Issue - Pagan Easter?, Ronald Reagan & ID, Chemistry with Purpose
April 2024 Issue - Climate Data, Arctic not Melting, Hurricanes not Intensifying
May 2024 Issue - Evangelical Models of Human Origins, Bad Trends for Evolution
June 2024 Issue - 100+ Evidences for a Young Earth, Genesis 30 & Genetics
July 2024 Issue - Teacher ?, Humanzee, Evo & Morality, Aquinas, Geoengineering

2023 Issues
January 2023 Issue - Design in Holly, ID in our Body Systems, Human Pharynx
February 2023 Issue - Joseph, Replication Crisis, Hate Crimes?, Bible & Science
March 2023 Issue - Transgender Abuse, Miraculous Existence, Reasons for 6-Days
April 2023 Issue - Flower Mystery, Epigenetics, Women less Evolved?, Can't Compromise & C.S. Lewis on Creation
May 2023 Issue - Atheist Scientist' Path to Faith, Log Mats, Vacation Ideas
June 2023 Issue - Gold, Steel, Engineering, Eroding World, Complex Ecosystems
July 2023 Issue - Giraffe, Biased Science, Pleiades, Discoveries & Engineering
August 2023 Issue - Gender & Virginity Madness, 900 Years? & Pseudoscience
September 2023 Issue - Attacks on Culture, Biological Engineering, Assembly Theory, Seed Marvel, Who created God?, Apes Talk? & Rhino Ancestry
October 2023 Issue - Unicorns in the Bible?, Wonders Center, Grand Canyon Origin & Racist Brain Collection
November 2023 Issue - ICR Research, Tola'ath, No Hippocratic Oath, Origin of Life & Earth Wobble
December 2023 Issue - AD/CE & BC/BCE, Carnian Pluvial Event, Culture Wars

2022 Issues
January 2022 Issue - Ancient Storms, Ice Age Man, Babylonian Trigonometry
February 2022 Issue - James Webb Telescope & 1st Hybrid Animals
March 2022 Issue - Biblical Inerrancy, Curse, Ancient Humans & Young Moon
April 2022 Issue - SABBSA at 25, Experiment Refutes Evolution, Moses & Writing
May 2022 Issue - Innovative Ancients, Ban Repentance? & Stonehenge
June 2022 Issue - Western Ideas, Human Genome Map, LGBTQ ID & Axis of Evil
July 2022 Issue - Long Migrations, Science not from Atheism, Darkside of Darwin
August 2022 Issue - Science Points to God, Recolonisation, Church Leadership
September 2022 Issue - Crisis in Cosmology, Ryugu, Ceres & Dino Print
October 2022 Issue - Ages of Tech., Derinkuyu, Cancel Culture Schools, Road Oil
November 2022 Issue - Transhumanism, LGBT Wars, God Hypothesis, Mars Life?
December 2022 Issue - Eridu Genesis, Ark Tablet, Adam in Eqypt, Canceling Eve

2021 Issues
January 2021 Issue - God's Complexity, 3rd Heaven?, How long to Build the Ark?
February 2021 Issue - Pray for our Leaders, Anthropogenic Global Warming
March 2021 Issue - God's Miraculous Designs, The Clarity of Scripture
April 2021 Issue - Arguments Creationists Shouldn't Use, Genesis Commentary
May 2021 Issue - Arguments Creationists Shouldn't Use pt. 2, Genesis Commentary
June 2021 Issue - Cancel Culture, CRT & 1619 Project, UFO's & Dating Footprints
July 2021 Issue - Flood Myths & Misunderstandings, Our Relative- Homo longi
August 2021 Issue - Nation in Trouble, Genesis Commentary - Table of Nations
September 2021 Issue - Asian Dispersion Evidence, GHCA online, Babel
October 2021 Issue - Artificial Cells?, Gideon Inscription, Atheist/Creationist Ideas
November 2021 Issue - Noah's Flood in Egyptian Hieroglyphs? Age of Universe?
December 2021 Issue - Norse Myths, Gratitude, Clergy Resigning, Life from Space?

2020 Issues
January 2020 Issue - 101 Genders?, Methodists Split, Genesis Commentary
February 2020 Issue - Phillip Johnson & ID, Praying to Potted Plants?
March 2020 Issue - Critique of an Evolutionist's Book, Genesis Commentary
April 2020 Issue - COVID-19 in S.A., Creation Evangelism: Side Issue or Key?
May 2020 Issue - Mega-Floods, Archaeology & the Bible, Pillars of Creation
June 2020 Issue - Science, COVID & Creation, Hell Creek, Methuselah star
July 2020 Issue - How the Flintstones got it Right, Brain and Soul Connection
August 2020 Issue - Guliuzza & ICR, American Fascism, GHCA, SABBSA radio
September 2020 Issue - Ota Benga, Fossils show Creation, Astronomy Crises
October 2020 Issue - Evolutionists bashing Evolution, AOI Conferences, Cuties
November 2020 Issue - Year with No Summer & Ice Age, What about the Flood?
December 2020 Issue - What was the Christmas Star?, Origin of Life has Not been Explained!, Matthew 1 & Luke 2 Commentary

2019 Issues
January 2019 Issue - "Chew the Cud?", LBGTQ, OT Scholar, Genesis Commentary
February 2019 Issue - Life by Collision?, Weirder Dark Energy, Gen. Commentary
March 2019 Issue - Old Earth & Bible, Latest Abortion Laws, Gen. Commentary
April 2019 Issue - Creation Science Update, X-Men Science, Creation Potpourri
May 2019 Issue - Beneficial Mutations?, Walking Whales?, ICR Discovery Center
June 2019 Issue - Biblical Archaeology, Skeptics Converted, Ark Landslide
July 2019 Issue - Hawaiian "Hot Spot", Milk Drinking & Grouping Cells by Design
August 2019 Issue - Global Cooling?, Young Solar System!, ICR Field Trip
September 2019 Issue - Sun & Climate, Lutheran Creation, The Rocks Cry Out!
October 2019 Issue - God's Specs, ICR, Early Galaxies, Welsh Censorship, Shroud
November 2019 Issue - Why don't we live as long as Methuselah?
December 2019 Issue - ICR Divisive?, Thanksgiving Science, False Transition

2018 Issues
January 2018 Issue - Fake News & Fake Science, Earth Designed for Life
February 2018 Issue - Not about Mating, Biomimicry, DNA & Earth History
March 2018 Issue - Bad Compromise, NASA-Antarctica & Flood, Transgenderism
April 2018 Issue - Fatherlessness and the Boy Crisis, Whales - Designed by God
May 2018 Issue - What is Genesis?, Darwinism Broken, California vs. Christians
June 2018 Issue - Life on Mars?, Octopus DNA, Y-Chromosome Bottleneck
July 2018 Issue - Genesis & Sheep Genetics, Octopus Genome, SABBSA's People
August 2018 Issue - 8th International Creation Conference, Indoctrination
September 2018 Issue - SUSY, Best Evidence for the Creator, Kid's Programs
October 2018 Issue - Biblical Waters, Flood Whale bone, Faith? Saturn V & Beetle
November 2018 Issue - Cassini "Death Plunge", DNA Best Evidence part II
December 2018 Issue - Gene Editing Human Embryos?, Redshift blasts Big Bang

2017 Issues
January 2017 Issue - Lucy in Trees, Aliens & Atheists, Sproul's Creation Position
February 2017 Issue - Life on Mars?, Climate Change, New Organ, Moon's Age
March 2017 Issue - NOAA Whistleblower, TRAPPIST-1, Fake News
April 2017 Issue - Fig Wasps, Teddy Bear Fossilization, Greek Art & Genesis
May 2017 Issue - Believing the Bible, SABBSA at SBOE, Molecular Clocks
June 2017 Issue - Snowball Earth?, Big Bang Problems, Proof of God?
July 2017 Issue - Tooth Fairy, New Idea-Old Problem, Wormwood Prophecy
August 2017 Issue - Unnatural Universe, NOAA Data, Canaanites in the Bible
September 2017 Issue - Our Created Conscience, Mark Armitage, David Rives
October 2017 Issue - Resources, What Happened to America?, Methuselah Star?
November 2017 Issue - Creationism vs. Terrorism, Dog People?, Media Distrust
December 2017 Issue - Responding to Atheists, Discordant Dates, Alien Intrusion

2016 Issues
January 2016 Issue - Best Evidence, What Happened to Dinos?, KSLR
February 2016 Issue - Creation Accounts, Why not "Just Preach Jesus?"
March 2016 Issue - Big Bust, No Time Travel, Genomics say No to Evolution
April 2016 Issue - Marriage & the Bible, Is Teaching Creationism Child Abuse?
May 2016 Issue - Our Worldwide Impact, Ridiculous Evolution, Science is Broken
June 2016 Issue - 30 Problems with Big Bang, Fallacy of our Instable Sun
July 2016 Issue - U.S. a Christian Nation? 3 Nobel Laureates Challenge Evolution
August 2016 Issue - Lichens show the Creator, Divine Engineering in our DNA
September 2016 Issue - Universal Designs, No Dark Matter, Rocks Show Creation!
October 2016 Issue - Media Molding Our Minds, Harvard's "Smart Theory"?
November 2016 Issue - Beardog, Spinning Galaxies, Soft Dino Brain, Armitage
December 2016 Issue - Variable Light Speed, Seven Origin of Life Theories, Life Expectancy

2015 Issues
January 2015 Issue - Not Comet Water, Not Asteroids, AIG under Attack!
February 2015 Issue - Limited Models, Witte Dinos, Atlantis, The Vatican
March 2015 Issue - 2 Billion Yrs. Stasis, Old Earth Problems, Big Bang doubt
April 2015 Issue - NASA Nuts, Scientists Suppress Critics, Flood Evidences
May 2015 Issue - Two Wins = A Loss?, Astronomical Evidence for God!
June 2015 Issue - "Age of Extinction?" + EPA vet against Global Warming!
July 2015 Issue - Creation Scientist's Predictions, Jurassic World, SCOTUS
August 2015 Issue - The Exodus, Young Pluto, SETI
September 2015 Issue - Has Science Discovered God?, GSN & Abortion in SA
October 2015 Issue - Humans with Dinos, Latest Apeman? Creation Museums
November 2015 Issue - Brilliant Ancient Humans, Societal Effects of Darwinism
December 2015 Issue - DNA Dating Techniques, Star of Bethlehem

2014 Issues
January 2014 Issue - Denial's Power, PEW Creationism Report, Baraminology
February 2014 Issue - Candidates endorse Creationism!, Ham vs. Nye Debate, Evolution Making us Dumb? & Neanderthal DNA
March 2014 Issue - Old Earth?, Pangaea, Defeating Darwinism & Congress
April 2014 Issue - Christian Movie Reviews and Chemistry & Evolution
May 2014 Issue - Intolerance, Missing Science, Blood Moons, Bible Disbelief
June 2014 Issue - Artificial DNA, Antibiotic Resistance, New Poll
July 2014 Issue - Arguments Not to Use, Poll: Americans Believe in a Creator!
August 2014 Issue - Danger to Believers & Creationists in U.S., Creation Math
September 2014 Issue - Bad Science, Internet Dangers & Math is Not God
October 2014 Issue - History of Creationist Challenges, Scientists Have Biases
November 2014 Issue - How Old is Young?, Earth Highly Improbable
December 2014 Issue - Snow & Warming, Cambrian Explosion Unanswered, State of the Church in America

2013 Issues
January 2013 Issue - Pat Robertson, Scientism and Genetic Homosexuality
February 2013 Issue - Recent Dinosaurs, What is Science? & War on Christ
March 2013 Issue - Feathered Dinos, Barbara Cargill & Chimp DNA
April 2013 Issue - Coal Halos, Biogenesis, Witte and Genesis in Court!
May 2013 Issue - ENCODE Objections, Missing Dark Matter, Kent Hovind
June 2013 Issue - Anthropic Principle, Dr. Stephen Hawking & M-Theory
July 2013 Issue - The Redefinition Game, Creation Materials Not in Bookstores
August 2013 Issue - Genesis in Chinese, DVD's, S.A. Gay Ordinance
September 2013 Issue - Global Cooling? Academic Bias and Living Dinos
October 2013 Issue - SBOE, Animal Gears, Comet ISON & Neanderthals
November 2013 Issue - Genetics, Stokes, No Dark Matter & Global Warming
December 2013 Issue - Human Origins, Nonhuman Rights, Made from Clay & a Refrozen Arctic

2012 Issues
January 2012 Issue - Christy Jackson, Early Earth Atmosphere, & Meteorites
February 2012 Issue - Darwinian Influences and Our Response
March 2012 Issue - Creationist's Guide to The Witte Museum's Darwin Exhibit
April 2012 Issue - Why are You Human? and Witte Creationist Tours
May 2012 Issue - Our Purposes, and Laws Protecting Creation Discussions
June 2012 Issue - Problem or Solution - How Much We Don't Know
July 2012 Issue - Faint Sun, Globe Not So Warm, & Mermaids??
August 2012 Issue - Higgs, 3 Heavens, Mt. Blanco, Redcloud, Spiritual Warfare & Medieval Warming
September 2012 Issue - Abiogenic Oil, Our Special Sun, Creation Survey
October 2012 Issue - ENCODE Project = No Junk DNA, & Obama's Reptiles
November 2012 Issue - Solar Nuke Mystery, Young Sun & YOM website
December 2012 Issue - Science's Presuppositions, Internet Creation Libraries

2011 Issues
January 2011 Issue - Point of View Matters
February 2011 Issue - Creation, Why Bother? Evolutionists = True Fanatics!
March 2011 Issue - Tomcod Variation, Genetic Editing & Pro-Life Creator
April 2011 Issue - Very Old or Not So Much? 50+ Young Earth Evidences
May 2011 Issue - Light, the Vacuum and Our Space in Heaven
June 2011 Issue - History & Timeline of the Creation - Evolution Controversy
July 2011 Issue - Dark Matter, God's Complex Creation, & Social Struggles
August 2011 Issue - Archaeopteryx, Global Warming & Social Darwinism
September 2011 Issue - Perry's Creationism, & NASA: Nucleotides and Bibles
October 2011 Issue - Human Migration & Genetic Anthropology: A Biblical Perspective
November 2011 Issue - Creation Wiki and Creation Astronomy Updates
December 2011 Issue - 15 Questions, Whales in Desert and Jumping Jupiters

2010 Issues
January 2010 Issue - God Knows the Future & Christianity helping Science
February 2010 Issue - Finding God's Face & AOI Itinerary
March 2010 Issue - Worldview, Our Impact & SBOE Primary Results
April 2010 Issue - Science leads to God & Meet our Ape Family??
May 2010 Issue - DeFaithing America / Noah's Ark Found??
June 2010 Issue - New Initiative, ICR in Court, & GHCA
July 2010 Issue - Not So Synthetic Cell & the Splicing Code
August 2010 Issue - Natural Selection, Ice Cores & AIG Museum
September 2010 Issue - Chasing Organics, X-Men and the Catholic Church
October 2010 Issue - Eastern Creation, Neanderthals, & Goldilocks Planet
November 2010 Issue - Politics, Education and the ICR Graduate School
December 2010 Issue - Elements, Ultimate Predictive Power & Ark Encounter

2009 Issues
January 2009 Issue - 2012 Apocalypse and 120 Year Life Spans
February 2009 Issue - Strengths and Weaknesses and the SBOE
March 2009 Issue - Bereshit and Dr. Hugh Ross
April 2009 Issue - Newspapers, SBOE, Peking Man and Conversation
May 2009 Issue - ICR and SBOE Updates, Opportunities and Hobbits
June 2009 Issue - No Homosexuality Gene & No Missing Links
July 2009 Issue - New Creation Evidence Museum & Whence Natural Law?
August 2009 Issue - Ida, Age of the Universe & Swinging Arms
September 2009 Issue - Young Planets, the Appendix and "Already Gone"
October 2009 Issue - Raptorex, Ardi, Genomics and "Already Gone"
November 2009 Issue - Speciation Limits, Discovery & ID, and Ascent of Man
December 2009 Issue - The Effects of Darwinism on our Culture & Theology

2008 Issues
January 2008 Issue - The SBOE, Christmas Stars & Whale Ancestry
February 2008 Issue - Chromosome 20, Genetic Divergence and Beauty
March 2008 Issue - Latent Genes, Canyon Debris & Chocolate Trilobites
April 2008 Issue - Geothermal Evidence on Enceladus and Our Moon
May 2008 Issue - ICR gets Expelled, and Creation Answers
June 2008 Issue - Baugh Controversy, Genetic Entropy & Texas Politics
July 2008 Issue - Dino Tracks, Genetic Flood Evidence & Neanderthals
August 2008 Issue - The Evolutionary Spin & Flip
September 2008 Issue - ICC 2008 & the Implications of Genetic Entropy
October 2008 Issue - What are Evolutionists so Afraid of?
November 2008 Issue - The War on Cause and Effect
December 2008 Issue - Strengths and Weaknesses, the Media and the SBOE

2007 Issues
January 2007 Issue - Creation Ministry
February 2007 Issue - What's the Evidence?
March 2007 Issue - "Wells of the Deep" and A Busy Month
April 2007 Issue - A History of SABBSA and Creationism in SA
May 2007 Issue - Positive Speciation
June 2007 Issue - Summer Opportunities
July 2007 Issue - Other Creation Stories & 11 Questions
August 2007 Issue - Dr. Patton and Current Events in Creation
September 2007 Issue - More on Dr. Patton's Evidence
October 2007 Issue - Pseudoscience, SABBSA's Effect and the AIG Museum
November 2007 Issue - Evolution's Effects & Current Creation Events
December 2007 Issue - Where Did the Moon Come From? & Other Nonsense

2006 Issues
January 2006 Issue - Malachite Man / Star of Bethlehem
February 2006 Issue - Great Bible Believing Scientists
March 2006 Issue - T-Rex Ancestor? / AOI
April 2006 Issue - Compromise Theories
May 2006 Issue - Floods of the West / Darwin and Radiometric Dating
June 2006 Issue - Proposed Ark Images / Davinci Code Review
July 2006 Issue - Underpinnings: Fossils, Physics and Genetics
August 2006 Issue - How to Promote/Produce Creation Events
September 2006 Issue - Pluto and Science
October 2006 Issue - Ankerberg Debate (Yom) / Cellular Aging
November 2006 Issue - Darwin's Deadly Legacy / Sea Mammal Evolution
December 2006 Issue - "What If God Wrote the Bible?" / SABBSA Purposes

2005 Issues
January 2005 Issue - UFO's and the Bible
February 2005 Issue - John Pendleton - Dragons and Ape Men
March 2005 Issue - Bacterial Resistance/Canine Teeth/Apparent Age
April 2005 Issue - Privileged Planet / T-Rex Soft Tissue / DNA
May 2005 Issue - Dr. Bill Tierney and Dr. Duane Gish / Monarch Butterflies
June 2005 Issue - Creation / Evolution Debate Issues
July 2005 Issue - John Pendleton - Age of the Earth/Mutations & Cloning
August 2005 Issue - SABBSA Current Events and Projects
September 2005 Issue - Solicit Clergy Input
October 2005 Issue - Dover, PA/Clergy Responses/Christmas Star
November 2005 Issue - Jerry Hardwick-The Christmas Star/Don Patton
December 2005 Issue - Current Court Cases and Creationism

2004 Issues
April 2004 Issue - "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"
May 2004 Issue - Animal Planet and Kent Hovind
August 2004 Issue - Natural Selection's Early Beginnings
October 2004 Issue - SABBSA Events
November 2004 Issue - Dr. Randy Guliuzza-Human Reproduction
December 2004 Issue - SABBSA Events and Dues

2003 Issues
March 2003 Issue - Stratification
April 2003 Issue - Counter Creation - Tim Thompson
June 2003 Issue - ICR Museum
July 2003 Issue - Haldane's Dilemma
August 2003 Issue - "No Response"
September 2003 Issue - Motors - Made Without Hands!
November 2003 Issue - Medicine and Creation
December 2003 Issue - Going Forward!

2002 Issues
February 2002 Issue - Young Earth Evidences
March 2002 Issue - Animals that Defy Evolution!
April 2002 Issue - Young Solar System Evidences
May 2002 Issue - Homology, Cloning & Life in a Test Tube
June 2002 Issue - 10 Steps of Creation - Specified Complexity
July 2002 Issue - Intelligent Design, Isomars and Chaos
September 2002 Issue - Human Ancestry?
October 2002 Issue - Prescience in the Bible

2001 Issues